Thursday, April 14, 2011

A New Way to Deal With Injuries or the Placebo Effect?

My mom has always been a big supporter of natural medicines and things of that nature so it was no surprise that when she found out about the new Amega Zero-Point Energy Wand that she would jump right on it, now being a spokesperson for the company. Let me explain exactly what this is. The idea is Indian scientists have found a way to crystallize a form of energy called zero-point energy. Think of it as the stem cells of energy; it becomes whatever it is needed to be. From the crystal, zero-point energy radiates and goes into everything around it supposedly for hundreds of years without stopping. They took this crystal (which no one has seen) and put it into the tip of what looks like a fully metallic pen, which is the wand I mentioned earlier. People can then use the wand by twirling it on hurt or stressed parts of the body and the energy will help your body out and make the areas feel significantly better. A link to see Amega's claims can be found here.
You may be wondering what exactly this has to do with sports. Well the first thing I must say is that it does get results and because of this, it has many users. Some of these users are coaches. If an athlete gets hurt, whether they pull a muscle or break a bone, the coaches have the athlete "wanded" to help them recover. The crazy thing is that it does help, but is it the reason that the users believe it is?

The idea itself is very laughable. You wave a pen that has some mysterious crystal in it that no one has ever seen and it can heal most problems. To many it might be confusing as to why this odd product seems to be gaining a small following (it still is far from mainstream). Well the company, Amega, states that they have done extensive testing and all of their experiments have confirmed everything they advertise it does. There are a few problems here. First off, they do not give out many details about the experiments they ran. Second, because the experiments are being done within the company there is likely the problem of experimenter expectancy. Their researchers may be seeing results that aren't necessarily there. Thirdly, their experiments are the only ones that have been performed on the wand. Without unbiased researchers weighing in and running their own experiments, there is very little credibility in anything the company claims.

Without any facts or real experimentation, the only thing that can be concluded right now is that the wand is a physical form of the placebo effect. The likely reason as to why people feel better after being "wanded" is that they believe that it will. It has been proven that people somehow heal from this state of believing so it is understandable that if the wand is really just a scam, people still can get benefit from it.

Who knows, it might actually work and the company is just very secretive about it. While it may not seem likely, people still get something out of it. To each his own. If it works for them, why not let them use it?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Imagine? Dream? Relax?

Yeung Shing Cheng

According to Dr.Elligan, a clinical psychologist from Chicago, Illinois, Sport Psychology can be used to boost athletic performance in any sport. He describes that skills alone will not be able to make someone a good athlete. One needs some sort of psychological support in order to perform at full potential.

Visualizations, according to Dr. Elligan, could very much help on succeeding in a race. Dr. Elligan said that he would usually see runners the day before a marathon at the finish line, having the runners visualize themselves completing the race. Through this process they prepare themselves for the marathon and are less likely to give up midway. The runners push themselves to the fullest with a vision of crossing the finish line, giving them the strength to continue running.

Another skill that Dr.Elligan describes is called a Lucid Dream. A handful of elite athletics use Lucid Dream to mentally prepare themselves for a tournament or any kind of competition. It is almost like a higher level of visualization but in a dream. Within their Lucid Dream, athletes are in control of their environment, making it possible for these athletes to be mentally prepared in their dream. So if you are looking to become an elite athlete, I suggest that you start learning how to control your dreams.

Sport Psychology also helps athletes relax. When time is ticking and you are on the verge of exploding all you care about is winning; that’s when relaxation comes in. According to Dr. Elligan, it’s better when athletes are relaxed so that they could enjoy the journey instead of just focusing on reaching the finish line.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Self-Confidence in Sports?

In this video sport psychology expert Dr. Patrick Cohn talks about self confidence and how it can be gained and lost.  There are two types of self confidence: global level and task specific.  Global level is the belief in your abilities and belief in that you and your team can win.  It has to do with how you perceive your own ability or you perception on your ability to win.  Task specific is like a figure skater's belief that they can successfully compete a specific jump and that they have the ability to land that jump.  You can have confidence in your double axel, but not as much in your triple lutz and that makes your confidence task specific.  

Confidence comes from many factors but some of the things that people do not associate confidence with as often are: the conditions you play in, the quality of your warm up, your parents, and your teammates.  A very important thing for athletes to learn and remember is that you need to be in control your confidence since you cannot be in control of what other people say and do.  What you can control is how you think, and how you practice and perform.  

Confidence can be destroyed by several factors: not performing well, having a poor practice, by other people, and by high/ elevated expectations.   If you do not reach your goal your confidence will decrease so it is very important to set yourself goals that you will be able to accomplish.  Otherwise it will mirror poorly on your performance and confidence.  

This is very much related to self-efficacy.  If you have the confidence to perform in your sport or a specific task at a certain level, your performance will increase which will in return boost your self confidence even more.  Again, that level you set for yourself should be realistic, and should not stress perfection or something that is beyond your capabilities. 

Dr. Cohn says that it is important to understand that confidence is long term, stable, and comes from many years of practice.  You cannot only be confident when you have a good practice session and then have no confidence when you have a bad day.  That is not true confidence in yourself and that will affect your sport performance.

You can watch this video on YouTube here.

What is Sport Psychology and What Does a Sport Psychologist Do?

According to Division 47 (Exercise and Sport Psychology) of the American Psychological Association, sports psychology encompasses a range of topics including "motivation to persist and achieve, psychological considerations in sport injury and rehabilitation, counseling techniques with athletes, assessing talent, exercise adherence and well-being, self-perceptions related to achieving, expertise in sport, youth sport and performance enhancement and self-regulation techniques."

The article,What is Sport Psychology? by Kendra Cherry, points out that  lot of people assume that sport psychology only has to do with professional athletes, but what they are ignoring are the scientific, clinical, and applied topics dealing with sports and exercise.  The two main parts of sport psychology are using psychology to increase motivation and improve performance, and figuring out how sports and exercise can help one's mental health and well-being.  

A sport psychologist requires at least a masters or a doctorate degree in clinical, counseling, or sport psychology to practice.  They also need training and experience for them to be able to use psychology in terms of sports and exercise.  Once they have this education, a sport psychologist can perform various tasks.  They can work with athletes to improve their performance and motivation regarding their sport as well as becoming a professor in the field.  A sport psychologist can also offer client counseling, athletic counseling, and do scientific research.  

There are some positive and negatives to choosing sport psychology as a profession.  Sport psychologists usually work as a team, so it may not be the best path for a very individual minded person.  It is a good profession since one can take so many paths, but again this can only be done once one has all the training and credentials necessary to practice. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Exercise and Sport Psychology Books

There are a plethora of options if you're looking for Exercise and Sport Psychology books. Some of the best-sellers include:

  • Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology w/ Web Study Guide- 5th Edition by Robert Weinberg and Daniel Gould.
This book contains seven parts:
Part 1 is an introduction to the field, detailing its history, current status, and the various roles of sport and exercise psychologists.
Part 2 focuses on personal factors that affect performance and psychological development in sport, physical education, and exercise settings.
Part 3 concentrates on two major classes of situational factors that influence behavior: competition and cooperation, and feedback and reinforcement.
Part 4 focuses on group interaction and processes.
Part 5 pinpoints how psychological techniques may be used to help people perform more effectively.
Part 6 addresses the various roles psychological factors play in health and exercise.
Part 7 deals with topics of psychological development and well-being that are important to both society and sport and exercise psychology, including children's psychological development through sport participation, aggression in sport, and moral development and good sporting behavior in sport and physical activity contexts.

  • Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes by Mark R. Beauchamp and Mark A. Eys.
Can a better understanding of group dynamics raise individual and team athletic performance or improve the outcomes of exercise interventions? Much human behavior in sport and exercise and exercise setting is embedded within groups where individuals' cognitions, emotions, and behaviors influence and are influenced by other group members.

  • Single-Case Research Methods in Sport and Exercise Psychology by Jamie Barker, Paul McCarthy, Marc Jones, and Aidan Moran.

This is the first book to fully explain single-case research in the context of sport and exercise.
Single-case research is a powerful method for examining change in outcome variables such as behavior, performance and psychological constructs, and for assessing the efficacy of interventions.
Including case studies and examples from across sport and exercise psychology, the book demonstrates the advantages and common pitfalls of single-case research for anybody working in applied or behavioral science in a sport or exercise setting.

  • Judgment, Decision-making, and Success in Sport (W-B Series in Sport and Exercise Psychology) by Prof. Dr. Michael Bar-Eli, Prof. Dr. Henning Plessner, and Prof. Dr. Markus Raab.
This is an introduction to the fundamental approaches of Judgment and Decision-Making (JDM) research in psychology and application directly to a variety of JDM problems in sports.
Specific judgment and decision-making problems encountered by athletes, coaches, managers, and referees are considered, and recommendations are made for their effective resolution.
Among the many topics addresses are:
  1. the evaluation of athletic performance
  2. motivational and emotional judgments
  3. optimizing judgment processes
  4. the decisions of coaches, managers, and referees
  5. the prediction of sports results

  • Sport and Exercise Psychology (Active Learning in Sport) by Joanne Thatcher, Melissa Day, and Rachel Rahman.
This is a comprehensive and accessible text on Exercise and Sport Psychology for students on sport science/ sport and exercise science degrees.

All of these books can be found at

Preparation to become an Athlete

Yeung Shing Cheng

If you are serious in becoming an athlete I highly suggested that you continue reading. Besides simply playing a sport, athletes also have to worry about many other things. You will be surprised at how psychology is involved when it comes to being an athlete (depending on the sport you play). Athletes are people too! They deal emotional problem like other people, but such problems will revolve around their sport or activity.

Put yourself in the shoes of professional Rugby player. You are the scrum half, a very important position and you break your ankle. You understand that you are going to feel bad about being unable to play the game. You are going to miss time to practice, missing the chance to work at becoming a better scrub half. Such thoughts are common in the average athlete. The largest problem an athlete would face is replacement. If you were to be replaced because of an injury, you would probably feel depressed because all that hard work from the past season would be for nothing. That’s when the psychology comes in and keeps you from feeling down.

There are many other types of temporary problems that athletes deal with, such as insomnia, emotional outburst, withdrawal and anxiety. The list does go on but the point is that if you are going to become a serious athlete it is suggested that you should have your own Sports Psychologist. It doesn’t mean that you are going crazy; it just means that a psychologist will try to give you a better solution to dealing with your problems.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Music? Sports? What?!

Yeung Shing Cheng

Working out and running are ways to lose weight and boost self confidence, but during the course of working out, one experiences fatigue and negative feelings. For example, when one is running, one can run out of breath, feel pain in their legs and dryness in the mouth. Along with all that, there will be negative feelings to go along with fatigue. Well what if I say that there is a way to lessen the physical and emotional struggles of working out without the use of a pill?

Music relieves the pain from your everyday workout routines. Studies show that while listening to music you can focus more on what’s playing through your headphones can distract you from fatigue. This does not work with all kinds of music though. If you were to listen to slow songs (Less than or at 50 beats per minute) you’d lose your will to continue working out. Listening to music that brightens your mood (with a faster tempo) your performance will be much higher. Why not try it out next time? I assure you that you will have a better workout session with music than without it.

Motivation & Exercise and Sport Psychology
Motivation plays an integral role in the study of Exercise and Sport Psychology.
Motivation is defined by both the direction and the intensity of the effort applied by the athlete to the sport or exercise.

Exercise and Sport Psychology Twilight Zone

in the (above) video for example:
Timmy-> is very internally motivated.
- takes his goals very seriously
- plays for his own reasons
- participates because his personality enjoys it
Johnny-> is very externally motivated.
- listens to his coaches, parents & peers and takes their advice to heart.
- the statistics and records push him to excel.